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quit vaping hypnosis

Hypnotherapy to Quit Vaping

  • Three Session Program

  • Continually re-enforce the positive changes with your very own support Mp3

  • Multiple Strategies to handle any cravings

Hypnotherapy to Quit Vaping on the Sunshine Coast

Hi Craig,

It's been really good I haven't had a smoke since the session and don’t even want one.

Thank you for your help, it's definitely been a life changer.


Trent Crosby

Quit Vaping with Hypnotherapy

Don't let vaping control your life any longer.

Break free, and embrace a healthier, happier future with the transformative power of hypnotherapy.

Are you ready to take the first step toward a vape-free life?

Book in for my Quit Vaping Hypnotherapy program today and unlock the door to a brighter tomorrow.

Begin Your Journey to Freedom Today


  • Have you had enough of being controlled by vapes?

  • Want to regain your freedom of mind and control of choice?

  • Isn’t it time you to put your health, and yourself first?

  • Are you tired of battling with your vaping addiction?

  • Haven’t you had enough of nicotine cravings totally controlling your life?


You can take back control and break free from the chains of vaping with the power of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy turbo charges your very own will power, making the process of quitting that much easier…all you have to do, is decide you’ve had enough!


Discover the Power of Hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is a proven and powerful tool for overcoming addiction.

By tapping into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help you rewire your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs surrounding vaping. It's a safe, natural, and effective way to break free from the grip of vaping once and for all.


How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Vaping


Hypnotherapy works by guiding you into a deep state of relaxation, where your mind becomes more receptive to positive and beneficial suggestions.


During your hypnosis sessions, I will work with you to:


  • Identify Triggers: Discover the root causes of your vaping habit and learn how to overcome triggers that lead to cravings.

  • Reprogram Your Mind: Replace negative thought patterns and beliefs with positive forward focused strategies, intents and outcomes that support your goal of quitting vaping.

  • Build Resilience: Strengthen your willpower, resolve, determination, and build in strategies to overcome any challenges on your quitting journey.

  • Visualize Success: Use the inherent power of your imagination to see yourself living a vape-free life, filled with health, vitality, and most of all…freedom!


Why Choose my Quit Vaping Hypnotherapy program?


  • Experienced Hypnotherapist: I have been helping people overcome addiction and achieve their goals of all kinds for the past 16 years.

  • Tailored Approach: I understand that everyone's journey to quitting vaping is unique and personal to them. That's why I personally customize each hypnotherapy session to meet your specific needs and resolve any challenges that may be in the way of your success

  • Supportive Environment: You're not alone on this journey. I will be with you every step of the way, during your sessions and you will also receive a hypnotic support recording to further re-enforce the transformative work done in your sessions. You will also find the clinic space warm, comfortable, supportive and most importantly non-judgmental…a space where you can feel safe and comfortable opening up and exploring your relationship with vaping.

  • Lasting Results: Unlike quick fixes that only provide temporary relief, it is my objective to help you become free of vaping…for good!  We do this by addressing the root causes of your vaping, and then further empowering you to adopt the positive changes from within.  Changes that become part of you, your life and lifestyle moving forward.


Book in for my Quit Vaping Hypnotherapy program today and unlock the door to a brighter tomorrow.

What do other people have to say about Craigs Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

* Results may vary from person to person

* Hi Craig,

It's been really good I haven't had a smoke since the session and don’t even want one.

Thank you for your help, it's definitely been a life changer.


Trent Crosby

* Hi Craig

All going well thank you. Not a single smoke or felt the desire for one. Actually I haven't even thought about the fact until now.  Thanks once again as i now feel smoke free.

Cheers Craig Monks

* Hi Craig

It has been 3 years now since I saw you to stop smoking, and never once did I have the feeling that I needed to have another cigarette! You have done an amazing job :)

Thanks so much!


* Thanks Craig, came to you to stop smoking. Been 2 1/2 weeks not even a problem, Thank you.

Paul - Sunshine Coast

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